Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Take a Break: Do Something with Your T Shirt Collection

When I first started writing this post, it was a bright and sunny day. That all changed with Irene on Sunday. I live in one of the "island towns" in Vermont. I didn't have a lot of time to go back over this. However, just in posting this, it reminds me of the importance of "taking a break."

We all have T-shirts that we no longer wear. Some of us, like my husband, have drawers full of them. You can: bundle them up and drop them off at your local fabric recycling center; put them in a Good Will box; or donate them to used clothing store. They also make good rags. However, they can be used to make all sorts of things.

A friend of mine had a party for her daughters’ friends and told them to bring two T-shirts they no longer wanted. The kids cut off the sleeves and neck and had the thrill of sewing three seams and left the party with their very own pillowcase.

Several of the kids became inspired by their sewing experience and turned their old T’s (and some not so old ones) into pillows. A small child’s T shirt, with the sleeves left on, makes a very interesting looking pillow, particularly when a 10 year old is doing the sewing.

For some new ideas about what to do with your T shirt collection, check out the following sites:

T-shirt Makeovers

Very cool scarves

T shirt flowers

3 in 1 T Shirt Dress/tunic top/skirt

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