first day of the spring equinox is March 20. So today, March 19, you can either
say “so long winter,” and drink up the
last of the hot chocolate by a roaring fire, or get ready to say “hello
• Provide nesting
materials for the birds. Take handfuls of yarn scraps (4-8 inches in length) and
stuff them into a suet feeder or some other device (maybe the bag onions came
in) that the birds can easily access. In the days that follow, watch the yarn
disappear and be on the look out for brightly colored nests Learn other ways to
help the birds this spring at The Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
Make melted snowman cookies and share with friends.

• Treat yourself to a pedicure, since
sandal season isn’t that far off. Check out Easy at-home pedicure shortcuts for2,5 or 35 minutes.
• Get your camera/cell phone ready to
take pictures on the first day of spring.
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