Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Take a Break: Exercise without leaving your house

This is one of those Vermont winters were if there isn’t another foot of new snow, temps are below 0 and there is a driving wind on top of it. The lack of sunshine and being indoors so much can wear you down, so below is a post I recently wrote for my town’s blog:

The Indoor Workout to Beat the Cavendish Chill

With temps in the single digits and below 0, it’s hard to get motivated to go for a walk, ice skate, ski or go to the gym. Too much time cuddled by the wood stove can make you tired, lethargic and even lead to the famous “Vermont Blues.” Try one of the following ways to stay warm, fit and healthy this winter. It will not only improve your mood, but you’ll also stay warmer without increasing your heat bill.
• Jump Rope

• Use a bottom step, large book, piece of wood and step up and down while watching or listening to your favorite show.

• Dance. Mardi Gras is just around the corner so try some of the Zydeco dances: Zydeco Two Step and/or Zydeco Bounce Line Dance 

• Use a free YouTube workout. Lots to choose from, just Google “free workout.”

• Yoga, Tai Chi and Qigong all have major cardio and strengthening benefits as well as help you distress, so take a Kripalu Yoga Break or try Tai Chi.

• Invite a friend over and work out together. Might even get some extra cardio in by cleaning the house first

• If you have exercise equipment lying around use it. Use Google to help you find interesting and new ways to use it.

How are you staying warm and fit this winter?

Not interested in today’s activity? Check out the Take a Break Pinterest for lots of Take a Break ideas. 

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