Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Take a Break: Create an Optimism Reminder

 During and after WWII, caregivers found that orphaned refugee children couldn’t sleep, though they were safe, well cared for and had ample food. However, by giving them a piece of bread to hold at bedtime, they would sleep.  It was the most basic reminder of being optimistic-“I ate today and I’ll eat tomorrow.”

Today’s “take a break” is about finding reminders “to hold,” that will remind you to be optimistic in spite of whatever is going on in your life, or the world at large. Some ideas include:
• A piece of jewelry-could be from a friend, something you made but it should be associated with a joyful and hopeful moment.
• A tiny stone, such as a pebble from the beach or someplace you like, or object that you keep in your wallet, pocket or near by.
• A photograph, quote or saying that you see each time you check your cell phone, open your laptop or turn on your computer.
• An item that you will see throughout the day-vase, dish, rocks, picture, doll etc.

When you need to, touch the object that is acting as your reminder.

Not interested in today’s activities, try the Take a Break Pinterest Board.

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