Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Take a Break: Make warming or cooling rice bags

Rice pads kept in the freezer can help to cool you down, sooth aching muscles and make your bed cooler. They can also be heated up in the microwave and used the way you might use a heating pad. In fact they have lots and lots of uses. Left at room temperature-or slightly chilled or warmed- they can even be a soothing eye pillow.


If you don’t sew, take a clean sock or leg warmer fill it 2/3 with rice, tie off tightly at the top and you are good to go. To make filling easy, use a funnel or stick a toilet paper tube at one end to pour the rice through.


Type of rice: I use whatever I have on hand, but jasmine seems to be a favorite. However, it can get expensive, so go with what you can afford.


Fabric: My favorite at the moment is old T shirts that I double in thickness. They are all 100% cotton and feel so good next to the skin. 100% cotton fabric is best. Use flannel (upcycle an old flannel shirt), terry cloth, old towels, socks etc.


Cooling: Leave the rice pad in the freezer for at least an hour, better for 2.


Warming: Place in the microwave along with a cup of water (this will provide moist heat and prevent the rice from scorching in the microwave) and heat for approx. 1-3 minutes. The bigger the rick packet, the longer time it will need to heat.


Aromatherapy: Some people like a scent in their rice bag, other’s don’t. If you are giving it as a gift, unless you know that they have a scent they love, avoid it as allergies can be a real issue for people. If you are going to use a scent, use a good quality essential oil.


Focus on keeping pulse points cool. Holding something cold against these areas will make your whole body feel cooler. These include: the inside of your wrists, the temple area, inside of elbows and knees, top of feet, inner ankle and neck.


EyePillow: Includes a pattern.



This is a good no sew way to make a pack of any size. The video is for hand warmers. 



A set of different size rice bags make a nice present, so start now for holiday giving.


Not interested in today’s activities, try the Take a Break Pinterest Board.

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