Saturday, September 30, 2023

Life with Chronic Conditions: Be Prepared- Alien Invasion

As we conclude the September series on the importance of preparedness and how to do so, we explore the least likely disaster, but one that certainly frightens many. 


At this time of year, it’s worth remembering Orson Welles 1938 radio broadcast “The War of the Worlds.”

  Part of the Mercury Theatre on the Air broadcast as a Halloween special, it incited a panic as people believed a Martian invasion was taking place. While an announcement had been made at the beginning of the program that it was an adaption of the book of the same name, people either didn’t hear that message, got caught up in the panic and/or thought it was an invasion by the Germans. 


As it turned out, the media hype was way worse than what actually occurred, as many hadn’t tuned into the program. Further, the most common response was to call their local police or newspaper to confirm the story. Today most people would go on-line to check out information, which depending on what site you check, could confirm your worse fears. 


Know how local authorities will contact you in case of a disaster, whether that is through local radio, TV or NOAA Weather Radio stations. Usual technology access can be interrupted in a disaster – email or text messages may be more reliable than calling cell phones and it may be easier to reach someone out of the area. Many states offer an Alert System that you can sign up and pick how you wish to be notified. Do a web search by including your state’s name and emergency alert system. 


In the event of an alien invasion, flood or other disaster, if you follow the 3 “Ps” 

Plan, Prepare and Practice, you’ll be all set and hopefully don’t go screaming from your house without your “go bag” if the little green men do arrive. 

Use the following resources to help you prepare


• Plan, Kits and Kitties 


 Make a Go bag 


• Disaster Preparedness for People with Disabilities 



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