Sunday, July 14, 2024

Life with Chronic Conditions: Dealing with the summer heat

I tried posting this post yesterday and it wouldn't let me embed videos or include pictures so I've had to make them links. Hope it's just a glitch on Blogger's part. 

This is the hottest summer I can remember in Vermont. It’s positively miserable. High temps and lots and lots of humidity.  We don’t have AC because you only really need it for the occasional day or week. However, it’s starting to remind me of growing up in Baltimore, MD, though it’s definitely worse there.

 I’ve written about this before, but thought I’d add some new hacks. Check out previous years:

Beat the Heat: Staying Cool is Important to Your Health 

 How to “beat the heat 

Beat the Heat July 22  

And now for something new: These are all videos, but as noted above, I couldn't embed them. 

Make your own AC device: It does work. 

5 Tricks to Survive the summer heat 


So neck fans. Check out these video to see if one may work for you. I tend to just dip a bandana in cold water and wrap it around my next.  But I’m curious about the neck fans as I’m having to be outside a lot this summer. 

Comparing 3 devices 

 Comparing Top 5 for 2024 


Watch The Red Balloon/Le Ballon Rouge from 1956: It’s lovely to watch and takes your mind off the heat. 

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