Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Take a Break: Create a Spa/Zen Space

 Ideally it would be a room, but it can also be a sun porch, backyard patio, or the corner of bedroom, where you can create your “moment of Zen”. Include yoga mat, blankets, soft music, soothing sounds, simple furniture and soft lighting. Make sure it’s free of distractions such as phones, tablets and computers. Add things like:
• Aromatherapy-scents of lavender or chamomile are relaxing. Use essential oils

• Water feature-These are easy to create but a sound machine can duplicate the sound of the ocean or rain falling

• Elements of nature-Use only natural textures for things like blankets.  A wooden bowl full of pebbles is restful on the eyes and you can use the stones for gentle self-massage. Art can reflect various aspects of nature. A noise machine to duplicate whispering winds and other sounds can be very soothing. Plants have a very calming effect and provide oxygen

• Candles-Use soy or beeswax

• Hide the electronics-If your TV room is going to double as your spa space, find a way to hide the TV (cabinet, screen)

• Include a Zen Garden: Make your own. Use a shallow container, such as a bowl or tray. Fill it with fine sand- playground sand is fine or check your local craft store or even local gardening center.  Select an odd number of small polished stones for the garden. A tiny rake can be found at hobby and craft shops, should be placed by the side of the garden so you can rake different patterns. You can also make your own rake with dowels. In a pinch, use a small fork.

The view outside a window can be enhanced with bird feeders as well as shrubs and flowers that attract bees and birds.

Not interested in today’s activity, go to the Take a Break Pinterest and pick out something else.

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