Tonight is “Breakin
Up Christmas” at our house. This is an Appalachian tradition that celebrates
the time between Christmas and January 6 (Old Christmas) or the Twelve Days of
The song associated
with this time of year has the following lyrics:
“Hooray Jake, hooray
Breakin’ up
Christmas all night long,
Way back yonder a
long time ago
The old folks danced
the do-si-do
Way down yonder alongside
the creek
I seen Santy Claus
washin’ his feet.
Santa Claus come,
done and gone,
Breaking up
Christmas right along.
The tune most likely was composed by Preston ‘Pet’ McKinney, a fiddler and
Civil War veteran from Lambsburg, VA.
There are lots of folklore connected with these 12 days:
• Called “ruling days,” the weather that occurs on each of the 12 days
predicts the weather for each month of the coming year.
• Old Christmas, Twelfth Night, Feast of the Three Kings (January 6th)
is the time when animals are given the power of speech. if a person would stay
awake until almost midnight on old Christmas Eve, then sneak quietly out to a
barn or a field where any cattle or sheep were kept, they could hear the
animals pray. At the exact stroke of midnight on Old Christmas Eve, the animals
would start moo-ing and baa-ing and bellowing… not in their normal way, but
almost as if they were crying.
• On the Day of Epiphany a person should never lend anything to anybody
because the lender would never get it back.
• The Holy Spirit would manifest itself on the eve of Epiphany in subtle
People would go from house to house, having a dance, potluck, story telling
and in general enjoying each other’s company. Furniture would be moved to make
room for the guests, dancing and music. The night before Old Christmas (January
5) bonfires and firecrackers would be set, while January 6 would be celebrated
with church, family meals, community Christmas trees, and stockings containing
fruits, nuts and candy.
While the tradition of “Breakin’ Up Christmas” died back after WWII, it
experience a new resurgence in the 1970s and today many of these celebrations
are held in dance halls and civic clubs.
Ways to celebrate
Breakin’ Up Christmas
• Read the poem Old Christmas From Old Christmas and Other Kentucky Tales
by William Aspenwall 1917.
• Watch legendary fiddler Tommy Jarrell play the tune Breakin’ Up Christmas
• Host a potluck supper and/or bonfire