Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Take a Break: Fly a Kite

One of the things I love about this time of year is that it’s perfect kite flying weather most days. In fact, it’s National Kite Month (March 27-May 2).

I keep a number of kites in the trunk of my car so that I can jump out and have a quick fly if the mood strikes me. There is nothing like wrangling a kite on a blue sky windy day to feel one with the world.

If you are a kite novice, you can purchase a very simple kite at a Target or a similar type of store. Look for a kite that says “easy to fly.” Start simple with something like a Delta shape. They fly best in light to medium winds (approximately 6-15 mph). Other kites suitable for this type of wind include Diamond and Dragon kites. The latter are beautiful to watch in the sky. Box Kites need a bit more wind.

Most of the beginner kites come with string. However, if you find yourself interested in flying, there is never enough string with these kits, so pick up some extra if it’s available.

If you live near a kite shop, this is the time of year they will be having demonstrations, so stop and ask questions before making a purchase. Many shops will let you “fly before you buy.”

Once you have a kite, look for places without trees, utility lines, roads, buildings and other obstructions. The beach is an ideal setting. Since I live in the mountains, I’ve found that athletic fields and pastures are great places to fly. However, if you are in a pasture, watch your footing. Some parts of the country that are kite friendly have parks for just this purpose.

If you want to make your own kite, check out the following:

Make a Ben Franklin style kite

Make Your Own Kite

20 Kids * 20 Kites * 20 Minutes

Learn more about the uses of kites

The Virtual Kite zoo

Kite History

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