Chewing gum has some
definite benefits, particularly for those with chronic conditions who have
salvia issues. According to the American Dental Association (ADA) Clinical studies have shown that chewing
sugarless gum for 20 minutes following meals can help prevent tooth decay. ...
Chewing sugarless gum has been shown to increase the flow of saliva, thereby
reducing plaque acid, strengthening the teeth and reducing tooth decay. Another benefit is that it acts
as a tooth whitener.
Chewing gum 30 minutes after a meal has been found to help relieve
heartburn and even protect against damage caused by GERD. Other benefits include: improves memory (teachers have
students take tests while chewing gum); reduces symptoms of stress ;and weight
management. However, like anything done to excess, over doing gum chewing can
lead to headaches, trigger TMJ, or damage dental work.
Not all gums are equal, and the ADA recommends sugar free.
That noted, some people are allergic to artificial sweeteners such as aspartame
and saccharine, which in high doses, can cause metabolic damage.
There is now a gum made with xylitol that not only
acts as an antimicrobial to stop bacteria growth but also satisfies sugar
cravings. You can purchase gums made 100% from xylitol at health food stores.
Note that Xylitol is toxic to dogs, even a small amount can cause liver failure
so be sure to keep gum away from your pet.
While chewing gum is not a replacement for brushing
and flossing, it can be a very helpful adjunct to good dental health
The ADA has given their “seal of approval” to the
• Dentyne Ice Sugarless Gum
• Ice Breakers Ice Cubes
• Stride Sugarless Gum
• Trident Sugarfree Gum
• Wrigley’s Extra Sugarfree Gum
• Wrigley’s Orbit for Kids Sugarfree Gum
• Wrigley’s Orbit Sugarfree Gum