Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Take a Break: Check out The Last Archive

I’ve enjoyed reading Jill Lepore, an acclaimed history professor at Harvard, published author and a contributor to the New Yorker. She has launched a podcast “The Last Archive.” Lepore traces the history of evidence, proof, and knowledge, in troubled epistemological times. From archives and libraries to interrogation rooms and evidence vaults, Lepore takes listeners around the country--and across the passage of time--in search of an answer to the question: Who killed truth? Season One begins with a murder in northern Vermont in 1919, and ends in Silicon Valley in 2020. Produced in the style of classic 1930s radio drama, The Last Archive is a show about how we know what we know and why it seems, lately, as if we don’t know anything at all. The Last Archive

The podcasts reminds me of what old radio was like, as actors are used to act out scenes, yet she interviews people with first-hand information. Detection of Deception has an amazing twist that had me saying, “No Way!”

Enjoy. Oh, it’s free.

Not interested in today’s activities, try the Take a Break Pinterest Board.


  1. Hola!

    I need to to ask something. What are good aronia melanocarpa recipes?

    Thank you!

  2. If you mean choke cherries, don't have any.
