Sunday, August 16, 2009


Breathe! One of the first things we do when we are stressed is limit our breathing. Overtime, our breathing becomes worse, as we tend to breathe only using the middle and upper parts of the lungs. Watch a baby and see how their belly rises and falls with each breathe. This is not how we were meant to breathe. Take a cue from these little ones.

You can check to see what type of breather you are by lying down with a book, or your hand, on your stomach. Does it rise and fall with each breathe?

Take time throughout the day and notice where you are drawing your breathes from. Make time for “belly breathes” in order to reduce stress and increase well being. The next time you are sitting in the doctor’s office waiting for test results, just concentrate on breathing from your belly. Inhale, using you belly, for four counts, hold for four, and release for four. Periodically check in with your body. Is your jaw tight? Are you trying to hold in your gut to look thinner? Stop and “belly breath.”

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