Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Take a Break: Unplug

I’m heading off for a few days of vacation, which is my inspiration for this week’s Take a Break Wednesday. Simply put-unplug. Take a break from cell phones, e-mails, faxes, computers and even your land line. Instead, if you are locked into a heat wave, as many of us are, make a cool drink and just chill for a while. This is the perfect time to practice S.T.O.P-stop what you are doing; take a breath; observe what’s happening around you and proceed.

Once you are unplugged, and feeling a bit cooler, consider sitting outside under a shade tree or take a walk in the woods. A study published last January indicates that exposure to plants and parks can boost your immunity. Being among plants lowers concentrations of cortisol, and lowers pulse rate and blood pressure. It can also increase white blood cells (natural killer cells).

1 comment:

  1. Bah humbug! I can't do without my internet access.

    However, I can do without telephones, and I gave away all my televisions and radios 5 years ago. Does that count as being unplugged?

