Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Take a Break: August Holiday Gifts to Start Now -2011 Edition

In August of 2010, I posted five items to start making for the holiday season in December. Here are five ideas for 2011.

Fudge in Cookie Cutters: No you aren’t going to make fudge now for December, even though lots of candy companies are well into their holiday production. Instead, start looking, while holiday items from last year are 75% off, for metal cookie cutters.

There are many holiday fudge recipes, but the marshmallow variety is pretty fail proof. Line a cookie sheet with aluminum foil. Place cookies on it, just as you would if you were cutting out a cookie. Pour the fudge into each cookie. While soft, decorate with M & Ms and other small candies. Let harden. Wrap and you will have given two gifts in one-fudge and a cookie cutter. Actually, include a note card, with a pretty ribbon, and write that the cookie cutter can be hung on their Christmas tree with the enclosed ribbon.

Other uses for Cookie Cutters: Use them to mold Rice Krispie Treats or cut out brownies and decorate. Whether it’s a brownie or fudge, small peppermint sticks make good “trunks” for your Christmas trees.

Popsicle Bracelets: There are lots of popsicles around, so this is the perfect project for summer.

Frame a Game Board: Games like Candy Land, Monopoly, Clue and Chutes and Ladder are often available for cheap at flea markets, and tag sales. Purchase one with a decent board and frame it. Attach game pieces to the back, so someone can play it if they want it. Great present for a friends that you may have played the game with as a kid.

Water Balloon Candle Holders

Environmentally friendly cleaning products: An ideal gift for the friend that has everything, or the one that wants to be a lot “greener,” or consider it for members of your support group, who shouldn’t be exposed to harsh chemicals anyway. I have given various members of my family what I think are superior cleaning tools that reduce chore time, save money and yield good results. People liked them. Starting in August, you have time to test out different formulas, pick up spray bottles and containers and even harvest herbs that will make sachets that are moth and beetle repellents. To get started, check out Naturally Clean. Include your “recipes” so they can make their own.

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