Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Take a Break: Scandinavian Christmas-Woven hearts

The classic red and white woven heart baskets are very popular throughout Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The origins of the heart is unknown but by 1860, the famous Danish writer, Hans Christian Anderson, was making them.

The easiest thing to do is download a template 

You can make your own patterns, as the basic template is a square with an arch on one side.  Use any type of material-paper, construction paper, card stock, Duct tape, felt etc. However, for starting out, use copy paper since it’s light and easier to weave. The more complex the pattern you wish to weave, the lighter your paper should be. If you wish to do more complex designs, you can forgo the basket feature and do single sheets of paper. Keep in mind the smaller the hearts and the more intricate patterns, the harder it will be to weave.

For different patterns, check out the video below. 

Not interested in today’s activities, try the Take a Break Pinterest Board.

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