Sunday, May 9, 2010

Living Well Workshops

If you’ve been following the entries on Caregiving, you may notice that I recommended enrolling in a Living Well or Healthy Living Workshop. Just about every state has one, as do many countries. These programs are usually free. Each one will have its own “flavor,” but the core idea is the same-help people with chronic conditions manage their health and achieve the best possible life.

Workshops are usually once a week for six weeks and the instructor is usually someone living with one or more chronic conditions. Some states are providing programs in different languages. The core components of these programs include: healthy eating, relaxation techniques, managing fatigue, low impact exercising, managing medications, problem solving, goal setting and working with your health professional. Caregivers are also welcomed at these workshops. It used to be that programs were run for people with a particular diagnosis, such as heart disease. However, research indicates that people do better if the workshops are not limited in this way. The fact is, as we age, we are more likely to have multiple conditions.

There is still an important role for condition specific support groups-either on-line or in-person. This is an excellent way to learn about your condition(s), treatments, side effects, research and valuable resources.

The best way to find out what programs are available for your state or country is using Google with your state/country’s name and the term “Living Well.” If that doesn’t provide you with a link, try “Healthy Living Workshop.” Ask your health provider. If none of these yield a program, contact your state’s health department, which can be reached by one of the following means: Call 202-371-9090, website or check the front pages of your local phone book.

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