This past week, I over did it swimming and I’m dealing with
a rotator cuff issue. I can’t feel too sorry for myself though as one of our
very talented local athletes sustained a major injury in his snow sport and is
having a hard time figuring out a new goal, as Nationals is no longer an
Someone once told me that they had a serious problem because
they were a “one crop farmer,” which basically meant they had only one activity
in their life. I’m realizing the older I become the importance of
diversification in all things-work, food, habits, learning, friendships,
beliefs etc.- is important. Further, I’m
also reminded that while goals are helpful, it really all about the process-
Invest in the Process of Healing.
Without belaboring the point, we aren’t
always comfortable trying something new as we tend to prefer what’s known and
safe. However, when you are laid up from an injury, boredom, anxiety and even
depression can quickly follow. There is a silver lining here.

Need some ideas of new things to learn? Check out the archives of “Take a Break,” as there are hundreds of things to try and at least should be something you might enjoy.
Below are some resources to consider that pertain to
injuries and recovery.
• Psychology of an injured athlete: How you can help:
Handout from the University of Kentucky Sports Medicine program. Identifies a
number of things you can do. Note that this can be a slow download.
• The Mental Side of Athletic Injuries Useful for caregivers regardless of age.
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