you need is 30 minutes of exercise a day (e.g. a walk) to gain significant
benefits. It not only helps to prevent heart disease and mild memory loss, it
can also improve depression. For those with chronic conditions, it’s one of the best
things you can do to increase well being and overall health.
good news is that you don’t even need to do 30 minutes all at once-10 minutes
here and there throughout the day adds up quickly. Even better, keep moving all
day. Make “mindless exercise” part of your daily life.
of the year, I have no problem walking, gardening, going to the gym, or
whatever else. In mid February, it’s a different story.

what do to? As with any exercise program, do what you can, keeping in mind that
“pain is no gain.” There are a variety of options listed below. Do what feels right for you. Check with your medical
provider before starting an exercise regiment.
• Power Down: Make time in your day
when cell phones, computers, TV and other electronic devices are turned off.
Without the virtual distraction, you’re more likely to do something.

hour of each burns the following calories: shoveling snow (576); mowing the
lawn-using a manual or push mower (400); raking leaves (384); Painting (290);
Gardening (250); Sweeping/mopping (240); or cooking a meal (150). Fit Day has a
list of 30-minute chores- e.g. 30 minutes of car washing burns 143 calories.
• Soup Can Exercises: You don’t need fancy weights to strength train.
- * Kripalu Yoga Break:
Need a quick pick me up, take a five minute yoga break with the teachers from
the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health.
• Dancing: Put your favorite
music on and dance around the house by yourself or with a partner. There are a
lot of free videos for line dancing. If you are a beginner, try Basic Line Dance Steps for Beginners.
• Zumba: The Latin/Dance
exercise program will have you moving in no time. Try Latin Dance Fitness-Beginners 1 to see if you like it.
• Remember TaeBo? Check it out to see if
it’s something that interests you-Advanced Exercise to Lose Weight
• 5of the Best Exercises You Can Do from Harvard Health Publications
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