The increase in life
expectancy, and with it people living for many years with one or more chronic
conditions, has created unique problems for the health care system, families
and community. This is a relatively new issue, since at the turn of the 20Th
century most people died from an acute illness or injury.
State and federal
programs are available to help with certain aspects of care, but their
availability is generally income driven. If you have savings, even as little as $2,000 in
some states, you may not be eligible for these programs. Fortunately,
owning a home is not part of the asset test.
The liquidation of assets
to pay for treatment and care can be quickly exhausted. Once assets are gone, there
can be a long wait until programs start providing the services, and that says
nothing about the psychological toll of having to spend down savings and/or
sell one’s home.
Other variations on
this theme include:
• The person who
wants to pass on savings and their home to family and doesn't want to spend
money on health care.
• Caregivers that
look at these assets as their compensation for caring for a family member.
Consequently, they may be reluctant to spend money for various aspects of care
that would benefit their charge.
• The middle
age person with a chronic condition(s) who is having difficulty paying for care
but is unwilling to dip into savings, IRA etc. for fear that this money is needed
for when they are “truly old.”
So what to do?
By organizing help,
planning, and making changes in daily living practices, it is possible to
reduce need, thereby reducing costs and having to spend down assets. Yet as the
saying goes, “there is no such thing as a free lunch.” Chances are you’ll need
to dip into savings to help cover costs. That noted, even here there are things
to consider before having to liquidate all assets or selling one’s home.
Consider the

Using Medical Cost
Advocates, a hospital bill review service or a medical negotiation service can
Don’t Pay That Medical-Use aNegotiation Service!
significantly reduced medical bills. Read-
• Create and use Social Capital: Your social networks have value and
importance. Not only does it allow you to help others in their time of need,
but they’re there when you need it. Being an active participant in support
groups, church, civic and other types of community groups and organizations, as
well as cultivating friendships can help significantly increase your “social
capital.” Looking for ways to increase
your social capital? Check out 150Things You Can Do to Build Social Capital.
One way to
organize the people who make up your networks, so that they can help you, is a
Lotsa Helping Hands website. Lotsa Helping Hands is a private,
web-based caregiving coordination service that allows family, friends,
neighbors, and colleagues to create a community to assist a family caregiver
with the daily tasks that become a challenge during times of medical crisis,
caregiver exhaustion, or when caring for an elderly parent. Each community
includes an intuitive group calendar for scheduling tasks such as meals
delivery and rides, a platform for securely sharing vital medical, financial,
and legal information with designated family members, and customizable sections
for posting photos, well wishes, blogs, journals, and messages. This
is a free service.
Using Lotsa Helping Hands to help friends and clients, I’ve
found that it works best if a friend or family member administer the site
versus the person(s) who is in need of the help.
• Use Condition Specific Organization: The local chapter of a condition specific
organization-e.g. American Parkinson’s Disease Foundation- can help with a
variety of services you might not even be aware of. These groups will often provide a wide array of services free of
charge. Such services may include care management, buyer’s clubs for things
like vitamins and supplements, loan closet for durable medical goods, as well
as support groups and informational materials. Organizations for the blind and
hearing impaired are among the best in terms of helping with free and low cost
adaptive equipment. The best way to find out what organizations serve your area
is by calling 2-1-1 or using the 211 website. 2-1-1 provides free and confidential
information and referral and can help with food, housing, employment, health
care, counseling and more.
• Use case management/care coordination
services. Case managers can
provide a variety of services to help individuals and their families get the
care they need. Depending on your age, condition and/or location, where you
find one varies. Places to consider: Area senior services, including senior
centers; condition specific organization (e.g. Diabetic Association); community
action agency; social services department for the hospital or health center
where you receive care; veterans hospital.
• Consider Different Living Arrangements: Where you live can make a significant
difference on the type of outside care you’ll need. Having a roommate, living
on one floor, choosing an apartment complex over a stand alone house, or living
with adult children or other family, can all have major benefits from reducing
costs to eliminating the need for certain types of services (e.g. someone to
cut the lawn or shovel snow). Being in an area where you can walk everywhere not
only increases exercise but it can eliminate the expense of a car.
While these are
generally thought of as “senior living,” many of these housing options start at
50 years of age and some younger if the program includes people with
- Senior Community/ Senior Co-Housing: Cooperative-style housing community of seniors
who share some expenses, skills and visions. Variations of this type of living
arrangement include: a group of people purchase a very large home and sub
dividing it into apartments; building a number of homes in a cluster under the
leadership of a corporation or builder. Generally, they do not provide formal
services. If need becomes to great, the person can hire outside assistance,
such as a personal care attendant, or will need to enter assisted living or
nursing home care.
- Continuing Care Retirement Center (CCRC): Provides resources and services from
independent living through nursing home level of care. Residents pay for an
apartment/condo and then a monthly fee to cover meals, cleaning services etc. Because
these facilities are designed to meet the needs of elders, many elders do much better,
live longer and have less need for institutional long term care. There are all
types of different CCRCs, so it is best to site visit and review all aspects
before buying an apartment or townhouse.
- Naturally Occurring Retirement Community
(NORC)/Villages: Coordinates
seniors in a given geographical area. Members remain in their homes,
apartments, or condos. More and more of these types of community-based programs
are being developed and so there is a potential opportunity to help create one
in the community where you now live. Services provided can include: One phone
number to call for any service; Coordinated billing; Pre-screened service
vendors –including home health, personal care attendants; Transportation arrangements;
Computer training and support; Volunteer services and opportunities; Newsletter;
Check in service; Exercise programs; Access to social and cultural activities; Household
and home maintenance services; Shopping assistance;
and Information and
• Assets to utilize that allow one to
age in place:
- Viatical Settlement: If the person has a life insurance policy
consider a viatical settlement, whereby the insurance policy is sold to a third
party for immediate cash benefit. Viaticals use to be limited to those with
life-threatening conditions but this is no longer true and many people needing
cash sell them. Learn more at Understanding Viatical Settlements-Selling Your Life Insurance.
• Reverse mortgages: If you’re 62 or older
– and looking for money to finance a home improvement, pay off your current
mortgage, supplement your retirement income, or pay for healthcare expenses –
you may be considering a reverse mortgage. It’s a product that allows you to
convert part of the equity in your home into cash without having to sell your
home or pay additional monthly bills. Learn more about the three types of
Reverse Mortgages and how to go about obtaining one from the Federal Trade Commission’s
Consumer Information on Reverse Mortgages.
One option that I haven’t discussed is long term care insurance. If this is
something you’re considering, read Long-Term Care Insurance: The Risks and Benefits-Is long-term (LTC) insurance a good investment?
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